Thursday, September 11, 2008

MTV Engine Room!

Hey all and all, Some big news! I'm going to be on this MTV reality TV show called Engine Room. I swear, it's true. I just found this extended trailer online for it, check it out. I can't talk about the details of the show, but the video will definitely give you a better idea of what's in store.

Check out the show, it's gonna be funny. And interesting. And crazy. It begins airing this Monday! You can watch it online at the Engine Room Website. It will be fun to watch, especially if you're my friend and want to see me be a dork. So until Monday...

Online Videos by

And here's a New York times article about the show.

Also of note, I've been animating on Robot Chicken the last couple weeks, it's very fun. Don't know if I'm allowed to post pictures from that though... another time.

Oh yeah, also, the Engine Room theme song is "YYZ" by Rush, which I think is just awesome.

3 - word movie review:
WALL - e


Anonymous said...

oh jeez

Hryma said...

Very cool! So one step closer to meeting Les, if you havn't already, lucky bugger, Robot Chicken.
I see that someone commented on "I live in the woods" being screened in Sydney. Are there any other Aussie screenings of it?

jriggity said...

Hey dood! it was great to cross paths at the Chicken coop!

We gota grab lunch some time..


Leo Matsuda said...

Max!!!That's freaking awesome!!!!