I think I literally jumped a little bit in shock when I saw that they're facial features pop out like that. Weird!
Here's one called "Teddy the Artist". He actually draws... Looks like you put a stencil in the bottom, and he draws it on the top? Sounds like fun.

3 - word movie review:
Bucket of Blood (1959)
awesome toys.
You asked if was going to make another film. I'd love to, but I can't figure out how to while simultaneously paying bills. ugh.
Let me know if you stumble across any hints, or treasure.
woah, those are freaky awesome toys and I really like your ram thing on the last post!
Freaky deaky!
Great to see Into the Woods film, glad your getting some attention, at least someone from experimental is going high profile, I just started my blog recently let me know what you think! Burton
Whooaaa those are cool! It freaks me out a little though cuz I'm from the city of Kobe, Japan. and I've never seen those...
Cool!All the toys are interesting and....yeah,freaky but I like them :D !
I just found that little guy with hat. Did you know the hat unscrews & small dice should be in hat:)
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