Monday, April 29, 2013

The Story of Pines

Hey everyone! Here is a long - overdue post. Early last year I was lucky enough to get to work with some close friends to help realize a story by Alison Sudol (Of the band A Fine Frenzy) into a short animated film. My official credits were Storyboards, Editor, and "Adapted for the screen by". Basically I worked with Alison & director Musa Brooker (an amazing animator as well) to help condense Alison's 40-page story into a 12-ish minute film, which would be released in conjunction with her new album. So the songs drive the story, the story reflects the music, etc.

This was a unique project because we had to develop Alison's vision, which was very personal and sensitive, into a film. Usually, working in animation, most the projects I work on are silly, wild, violent, comedy-based etc, and although I love those kind of jobs, this was an interesting and challenging change of pace... and actually one of the funnest times I've had working on a project!

The story is about a bird and a tree who befriend one another and help each other on their journey through life. If you have 12 minutes to sit back and soak-in a sweet story, check it out! The film was shot with the unique style of cut-out animation on a down-shooter.

Here is a "making-of" video. There are many more of these, covering different topics, on the "takepart" youtube channel. Thanks to Participant Media for the opportunity to work on this.

Here is some development art I did early on in the production, to help figure out the style and feel of the film.


3-word movie review:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked this part of the article, with a nice and interesting topics have helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know.. You need more publicize this so many people who know about it are rare for people to know this... Success for you.....!!!